We will do online transaction to the people from whom we purchase any type of waste material so that it will be easy to trace out from where material comes
we will conduct awareness program on behalf of corporate in school, colleges and RWA to educate people about harmful effect of disposing waste material in open air. It is very easy to do a change from starting of life so student is better option to literate about disposing of waste material.
As per CPCB guidelines it is compulsory for brand owners rest depends upon your business model for detail please check CPSB website if your unit will cover in this or not please refer government official website.
As per CPCB guidelines it is compulsory for brand owners rest depends upon your business model for detail please check CPSB website if your unit will cover in this or not please refer government official website.
As per CPCB guidelines it is compulsory for brand owners rest depends upon your business model for detail please check CPCB website if your unit will cover in this or not please refer government official website.
we have PAN India tie up with different Recycler for disposing of waste material. So waste material will be disposed off as per SPCB/CPCB guidelines